
Sloppy Joes!

After lots of people asking I decided I would post my recipe for 'from scratch' sloppy joe's! 

We have a freezer full of elk meat, lots of it ground so I am trying to think outside my go-to recipes for ground meat (tacos, meat loaf, meat sauce) and switch things up! I was parusing Pinterest looking for recipes and came across one from The Pioneer Woman. Oh, Ree Drummand you are amazing. EVERYTHING she makes looks amazing. But, I digress. 

I knew that her recipe would be good since everything I've ever made from her is so yummy. So, I took her recipe and tweaked it a little {I didn't have a few things} and away we went!! 

2 lbs ground Elk (or any other ground meat)
1 chopped onion
1 chopped bell pepper
1 tsp garlic powder, or 2 cloves chopped garlic
1 1/2 C Ketchup
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 can tomato sauce (I didn't have tomato paste)
1 healthy squirt of yellow mustard
Chili Powder {I honestly don't know how much I used, I just dumped...Oh, well}
Worcestershire Sauce - to taste
Salt and Pepper

Saute the onion, peppers and garlic until soft, then brown the meat. If using beef drain the meat! The elk I was using was SUPER lean, so I didn't need to drain it. Then add the seasonings, ketchup, brown sugar, tomato sauce and Worcestershire sauce.  Sir and simmer until well mixed. Serve with rolls!

This was a huge hit with my hubby and father-in-law. It was hearty for two guys who spent the day working on the house, and I didn't feel bad eating it because I knew I could control the sugar and salt because I wasn't using a seasoning packet, and it didn't come from a can. Sloppy Joes often get a bad wrap...they tend to be associated with camp, and mystery meat. Don't let bad memories make you shy away. These are husband approved, and would be great for kids. I mean who doesn't love having their dinner on their face!?! 

Let me know your your sloppy joes turn out! I would love to know how you made this recipe your own! 

For now, 

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