
Plank Challenge!

In one of my little fitness groups I am hosting a 10 day plank challenge! I am SUPER excited! Planks are one of the moves that works your whole body and can really build some great core strength, as well as work the rest of your body!

I struggle holding a plank for as long as I like and the workouts I am doing right now (T25) has some plank moves I really struggle with, so I want to put some extra work into my core so that I can really get after those core moves!

Plus, one of my goals is to have as close to a six pack as I can get. I have a LONG way to go, but I think that making sure that I spend some time focusing on this area of my body will help me take one step towards that goal.

So...Who wants to join me? Send me an email at karielliottfitness@gmail.com and let's talk!



Taco Seasoning

I know, you are probably thinking...WHY is she writing about Taco Seasoning???

We recently ran out of our Costco sized bottle of taco seasoning, now this is no small deal in our house as we have tacos at least once a week. So, I got to thinking about this giant bottle of taco seasoning and I realized that I could probably make my own that would be cheaper, and contain nothing I didn't want it to {Read: Clean Taco Seasoning}

So, I did some searching and found a good recipe at FamilyFreshMeals.com and picked up some seasonings in the bulk section and got to work. It was super simple, as easy as finding a bowl and some measuring spoons!

Anyway...here is the recipe for the mix I made! The recipe listed is for one "batch" of seasoning but you can increase it to make a larger mix to have on hand.

Clean Taco Seasoning
 1 tablespoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon black pepper

I multiplied this recipe by about 10 (I wasn't counting) and mixed it up in a bowl and put it into the container that the store bought seasoning used to be in and we are ready to have TACOS!!

I may have to experiment with making more seasoning mixes!! What should I make?? We already have a few homemade seasonings for meat that the hubby has made but I want to make some more!!

YAY for homemade seasonings!!
