
Plank Challenge!

In one of my little fitness groups I am hosting a 10 day plank challenge! I am SUPER excited! Planks are one of the moves that works your whole body and can really build some great core strength, as well as work the rest of your body!

I struggle holding a plank for as long as I like and the workouts I am doing right now (T25) has some plank moves I really struggle with, so I want to put some extra work into my core so that I can really get after those core moves!

Plus, one of my goals is to have as close to a six pack as I can get. I have a LONG way to go, but I think that making sure that I spend some time focusing on this area of my body will help me take one step towards that goal.

So...Who wants to join me? Send me an email at karielliottfitness@gmail.com and let's talk!


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