

With all new things, come a learning curve. Blogging is a new thing for me. I am learning as I go, so stick with me!

If you have landed here you may be wondering who I am and what this blog is all about. Well, Here's me in a nutshell. 

I'm Kari. I am a born and raised Oregonian. I love my state and will probably never live anywhere else. I was born and raised in the city, but have fallen in love with my small(ish) college town that my fiancee and I call home. We recently bought our first home and are working to bring it into this decade!

In exactly one month, I get to marry the love of my life and best friend, who for this blogs sake will be called Mr. E. Mr. E is a firefighter in a town close to where we live. His schedule is a difficult one to manage, and I have become well versed in shift schedules and trades.

As a elementary school teacher, I work 9 months of the year with some of the most disadvantaged students in the city I work in, and I love every second. I am a reading specialist, so I spend my day working with small groups of students from ages 5 through 11. My other job is 'Coach'. I am a health and fitness coach. I work to provide support and accountability to anyone at any point in their fitness journey.

In my free time I love to spend time outdoors. In the winter I love to ski and snowshoe. I also love to hike, kayak and camp. Mr. E and I love to go new places and explore the amazing state we get to call home!

That's enough for now, I could keep going but I'll spare you a novel for today, at least. 

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