
It's Fall!

Fall has officially arrived in Oregon. The leaves are turning, it's cool and sunny and perfect. Yesterday, the fall mood struck me and I decided to make some hearty soup for my lunches for the week.

Now, I love a good recipe but I also love creating things and praying they turn out yummy!

So...yesterday I got creative.

1 diced onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 butternut squash, cubed
1 sweet potato, cubed
2 stalks celery, diced
3 chicken breasts, cubed
3-5 red potatoes
diced carrots (as many as you want)
2 cartons of chicken stock
Salt and Pepper
I used a seasoning blend we use for chicken at our house. It has a ton of herbs in it and we keep it pre-mixed all the time. It has yummy fall seasonings like rosemary and thyme. I can't remember the exact seasonings but use some of your favorites and I'm sure the soup will turn out yummy! I also added a few dashes of nutmeg to really get that fall flavor!

I sautéed the garlic, onions and celery until soft. Then I added the sweet potato and butternut squash and one container of chicken stock. I simmered these on low until soft and then used an immersion blender (I LOVE my immersion blender) to blend it until smooth.  If you don't have an immersion blender, a regular blender will work well too!

Then I added the diced chicken, carrots and potatoes and simmered until soft. I added more chicken stock to the soup to thin it out and  TA-DA...yummy, hearty soup.

Now, I have to be honest, it's kinda a funky color because of the squash and sweet potato but it tastes amazing!! I didn't take any pictures while I was making it, but just trust me on this one... It's amazing!

Next time I might add some more fall veggies, or a different protein. My mother-in-law makes a yummy soup that I have to admit I used as inspiration for this soup and she puts these tiny meatballs in it that would be amazing!

For now,

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