
Those moments

Yesterday I had one of those moments. When you know you are in the right place at the right time. I had an acupuncture appointment and my amazing acupuncturist recommended an herbalist whose shop is right across the street to see what they would recommend to help us get pregnant. I was a little hesitant to go over there, but I figured what will it hurt?

So, I walked over and went in. At first I wasn't sure about it, but they were super friendly and very educated on what they are doing. The recommended a tincture for infertility to try for a month or so and told me to come back after I talk to my doctor next month and if needed she would make me a custom mix! While we were talking she mentioned that she had struggled with getting pregnant herself and after taking the tincture she was recommending she got pregnant in one month and now has 5 girls!

When I got home, I looked up their website and discovered that not only are they very educated but they are also a faith based company that is a part of a group of christian natural health providers that are committed to helping all people reach their best health. I read that and knew that I was in the right place. I'm one of those people that is VERY apprehensive about unknown situations and something pushed me to go into the store. It was one of those moments that when you take a step back and think about it you realize that someone bigger had a hand in that moment.

I've been struggling with having faith in this process and remembering to let go of all my worries and stress and rely on my faith that everything happens for a reason. This journey of being coming parents isn't an easy one to go down and it may get harder, but everyday I am working on trusting the process and that God has a plan that I don't know yet and it is one that is better than I could ever plan.

Here's to being in the right place at the right time!

For now,

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