
Christmas is over...now what?

Having spent the day cleaning, packing away treats for another time, and settling back in after being away from for a few days, it's got me thinking forward to a new year. I'm not a resolution setter, but have been thinking about some goals I have for 2015. Rather than focus on things I want to change, I am thinking of things I want to achieve/do this year.

A lot has happened this year...
We bought a house, redid most of the inside of our house, moved, got married, went on our honeymoon, and will soon be welcoming a new {4 legged} family member into our home (more on that soon!)

I couldn't have imagined a better year, honestly. But, that won't stop me from thinking ahead to 2015. Like I said, I am not a resolution setter, I never have been...I never stick with what I pick out to change. This year, I am going to do something different. I am going to set some goals. Things I want to achieve, do, experience, work towards this year.

Here is what I have so far...
  • Build my beachbody business. This may seem silly, but this opportunity has the potential to do amazing things not only for my health, but for J and I's savings account! 
  • Read more books. I often don't make time for this, but honestly it's one of my favorite things to do. I've started working on my list of what I want read!
  • Spend more time outside. We live seconds from beautiful hiking trails, and hours from the beach and mountains. J and I both LOVE spending time outside and I would love to spend one day a week doing something outside.
  • Get in the best shape of my life! This girl has GOALS. I've loved seeing what I am capable of and pushing myself to try new things. I've fallen in love with working out at home and am constantly amazed at the results you can get in your living room. J and I are doing a fitness challenge through his work that starts the beginning of the year, and I am SO excited to get started together!  
Honestly, there are so many goals I have for the year, but I won't bore you with them all. Part of sharing is accountability. These aren't pipe dreams. They are things I want to do, not just think or dream about doing. So, hold me accountable people! Ask me to go do something outside, suggest a book, ask me to come do a workout! I'd love to hear about your goals for 2015 and help you achieve them!!!

For now,

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