
The best Christmas gift came a few days late!

As I mentioned in my last post, we have a new family member who joined us a few days ago! His name is Dieter and he's a German Shorthaired Pointer. He's a total sweetheart and is adjusting pretty well to our routine and home.
Anchored In Strength

We got him from a co-worker of J's who loved him dearly, but recently moved to a home in the woods where he was getting into a little bit of trouble (the neighbors chickens weren't fairing well) and there were large predators that could have made a meal out of him. He's a little bit of an escape artist, so he will be an inside dog, especially since our yard isn't fenced completely.

But, we are SO glad to have him, and he is completely spoiled!

Things Dieter Loves:

  • His 'baby' It's really a stuffed toy duck that honks. 
  • Playing find your baby {we hide it and he has to find it}
  • playing fetch with a tennis ball
  • snuggling on his bed or the couch, as long as he is next to you he's happy. 
  • watching birds
  • sniffing EVERYTHING
We are hoping to continue his training so he can be a great hunting dog. J has gotten into upland game hunting and would love to have a dog to point birds for him, as well as to take him big game hunting in the fall. He has LOTS of work to do on that front but he has some great basic skills and we have been researching training methods to get him started!

I'm sure I'll have some good stories and LOTS more pictures of Dieter in the future but for now here's one last picture.

For now, 

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