
Those moments

Yesterday I had one of those moments. When you know you are in the right place at the right time. I had an acupuncture appointment and my amazing acupuncturist recommended an herbalist whose shop is right across the street to see what they would recommend to help us get pregnant. I was a little hesitant to go over there, but I figured what will it hurt?

So, I walked over and went in. At first I wasn't sure about it, but they were super friendly and very educated on what they are doing. The recommended a tincture for infertility to try for a month or so and told me to come back after I talk to my doctor next month and if needed she would make me a custom mix! While we were talking she mentioned that she had struggled with getting pregnant herself and after taking the tincture she was recommending she got pregnant in one month and now has 5 girls!

When I got home, I looked up their website and discovered that not only are they very educated but they are also a faith based company that is a part of a group of christian natural health providers that are committed to helping all people reach their best health. I read that and knew that I was in the right place. I'm one of those people that is VERY apprehensive about unknown situations and something pushed me to go into the store. It was one of those moments that when you take a step back and think about it you realize that someone bigger had a hand in that moment.

I've been struggling with having faith in this process and remembering to let go of all my worries and stress and rely on my faith that everything happens for a reason. This journey of being coming parents isn't an easy one to go down and it may get harder, but everyday I am working on trusting the process and that God has a plan that I don't know yet and it is one that is better than I could ever plan.

Here's to being in the right place at the right time!

For now,


Dealing with it...

People don't talk about what it's like to try to get pregnant. Especially those who have a hard time getting pregnant, or if they have lost a pregnancy, no matter when they lost it.

Well, here's the truth. It freaking sucks. It's made out to be all fun and games and you end up with a beautiful bundle of joy.

But, It isn't always like that. Sometimes it's hard. REALLY hard. Now, before I go any further you should know J and I have been trying for about 9 months. We've had one chemical pregnancy and now very early loss at about 5 weeks.

It's been hard to deal with that glimmer of hope in two pink lines and having those hopes dashed shortly later. It seems like pregnancy announcements and babies flood Facebook on a daily basis and it's a small reminder that the thing you want so badly isn't happening...yet.

YET. It's a word full of hope and the promise of something to wonderful to come. It's also hard to know when that wonderful may come, because there is no way of knowing. and I think that may be one of the hardest parts, not knowing.

You have to find hope in something, a rock to stand on when the world is good and to help hold you up when it feels like it may come crashing down. I'm still working on finding that hope. I pray a lot, for strength, patience and a little miracle. I try my best to keep my outlook positive and to not be so hard on myself, to not put too much pressure on myself. But, some days are harder than others. Days when grief, sadness, doubt and just plain old unhappy thoughts creep into my mind. I'm doing my best to over analyze who things happen and have been working to trust in His plan for the future and that when it is my turn to be a mom, it will be at the right time, I just need to trust.

Dealing with the questions, expectations and HUGE range of emotions is down right hard. So, think about that question before you ask it, you know the one I'm talking about...the dreaded "So...when are you guys going to have kids??" It may be a harder question to answer than you realize. And to all of you ladies who know exactly what I'm talking about..I'm with ya. Let's go eat some chocolate and try to resist peeing on sticks.

For now,


Fall Adventures!

Last weekend the hubby and I went on a trip to Bend, Oregon. It's about a 2 hour drive from our house and it's also where we went on our honeymoon. As an FYI I am completely obsessed with Bend and would move there in a second if life presented the chance. So, get ready for me rave about everything that I love about this city. (Not to say that I don't love my city, but Bend has snow and Mountains and it's hard to beat that...)

We found the BEST little rental house that was a block from downtown and it was perfect. We could walk everywhere we wanted to go (for the most part), Dieter was allowed to come with us and it had a hot tub perfect for 2 people. Talk about perfect for a weekend getaway!  The house was called the Brown House. It is a historic home and absolutely adorable.

We loved that we could walk downtown to all of the amazing coffee and restaurants. Friday night we had dinner at Deschutes Brewery. It's a popular brewery in Oregon and has great food and their own gluten free beer. They also make their own ginger ale, and it's amazing.

Saturday morning we went to mass at Saint Frances of Assisi, which was a block from our house. Its a beautiful historic church and is everything you expect of an old catholic church. Wooden pews, a beautiful alter and gorgeous stained glass. I wish I would have taken some pictures of the outside, but I didn't have my phone with me because we were going to church. I did find this picture (think you Google!) of the outside, its so pretty!

After mass we went to Lone Pine Coffee Roasters. If I lived in Bend, this would be one of the only places I would get coffee. They make their own almond milk and roast their own coffee. I mean, come on. Oh, and the caramel sauce in my almond milk latte? Home made. Seriously. AMAZING. A cold morning with amazing coffee? Perfection. We also had breakfast at J's favorite place ever. I won't give away his secret, because, well he might kill me if it gets anymore crowded than it already is. Let's just say that he raves about this place and it is a requirement that we eat there when we are in Bend. Heck, he wouldn't argue with driving there just for breakfast.

That day we drove out to Smith Rock Ranch to go to their pumpkin patch. It's dog friendly, so Dieter got to come with us! It has amazing views of Smith Rock and so many cool things to do and eat. We didn't do a lot of the activities because we didn't have kiddos with us, but it was fun to people watch and we got an amazing pumpkin!

Afterwards we went to a neat little antique mall outside Redmond and took Dieter to the dog park in the Old Mill District so he could run some energy out. The dog park itself is dusty on a dry day, but it looks out over the river and you really can't complain about that. Oh! I almost forgot! We walked around downtown and shopped and had some local kombucha. We were tempted to try the bubble tea, but decided to save it for another day. We got some more amazing art from a photographer we found on our honeymoon and some awesome Oregon themed souvenirs. (No, I don't think it's lame that I want things that scream how proud I am to live in Oregon. Oregon is awesome.)

For dinner we walked over the bridge to Spork. Yes, the restaurant is called spork. We found this place on our honeymoon and fell in love with the spicy fried chicken. It's gluten free, and comes with rice and either kimchi or cucumber salad. It's spicy enough to make me sweat, but the cucumber salad goes with it perfectly. The sunset was amazing on the way home and it was the perfect way to end the day (Besides a soak in the hot tub) This picture doesn't even do it justice. It was faces or sunset, not both.

We also got gelato made with local espresso for dessert, and listened to a metal band playing in an alley bar. Well, you couldn't help but listen, it was LOUD.

Sunday, we had breakfast at Chow and relaxed at the house. It started to rain so we decided to trek home to the soggy valley and back to real life. It was SO nice to get away for the weekend and just do fun things and not have to worry about laundry or meal planning. But, we are back to the real world this week (Including Halloween and colds from second graders)


It's Fall!

Fall has officially arrived in Oregon. The leaves are turning, it's cool and sunny and perfect. Yesterday, the fall mood struck me and I decided to make some hearty soup for my lunches for the week.

Now, I love a good recipe but I also love creating things and praying they turn out yummy!

So...yesterday I got creative.

1 diced onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 butternut squash, cubed
1 sweet potato, cubed
2 stalks celery, diced
3 chicken breasts, cubed
3-5 red potatoes
diced carrots (as many as you want)
2 cartons of chicken stock
Salt and Pepper
I used a seasoning blend we use for chicken at our house. It has a ton of herbs in it and we keep it pre-mixed all the time. It has yummy fall seasonings like rosemary and thyme. I can't remember the exact seasonings but use some of your favorites and I'm sure the soup will turn out yummy! I also added a few dashes of nutmeg to really get that fall flavor!

I sautéed the garlic, onions and celery until soft. Then I added the sweet potato and butternut squash and one container of chicken stock. I simmered these on low until soft and then used an immersion blender (I LOVE my immersion blender) to blend it until smooth.  If you don't have an immersion blender, a regular blender will work well too!

Then I added the diced chicken, carrots and potatoes and simmered until soft. I added more chicken stock to the soup to thin it out and  TA-DA...yummy, hearty soup.

Now, I have to be honest, it's kinda a funky color because of the squash and sweet potato but it tastes amazing!! I didn't take any pictures while I was making it, but just trust me on this one... It's amazing!

Next time I might add some more fall veggies, or a different protein. My mother-in-law makes a yummy soup that I have to admit I used as inspiration for this soup and she puts these tiny meatballs in it that would be amazing!

For now,



So I haven't posted about fitness in a LONG time...like so long I'm kinda embarrassed.

Well, Here's the truth.

I haven't been working out. I haven't been eating well. And I was in a pretty deep funk. I knew that I wasn't making good choices and I didn't really care. But...the hard work I had been putting in was slowly slipping away and I began to see and feel the repercussions of my choices. I felt crummy, my swim suit didn't look the way I wanted and I wasn't happy.

So, I gave my self a reality check and decided NO MORE. I have no excuse not to workout. I have a whole room in my house set up for it and it wasn't being used. I have a library of workouts to choose form at home and online. I can literally stream a workout anywhere. I can choose not to eat junk, and not to even have it in my house.

Have I been perfect? Heck no. On Sunday the hubby and I went to brunch after church and I splurged and had some amazing huevos racheros and a gluten free chocolate chip cookie. It was amazing! But, I've worked out the past 4 days, and I plan on keeping up my schedule so it will stick with me through the school year.

I'm currently doing the 21 day fix extreme and am hoping to see some inches lost and muscles gained! I know this program works (if I put in the work!) and I am hoping to share my journey here and on my Instagram page...so stay tuned :)

For now,

Oh! And if you are interested in learning more about what I'm up to, shoot me an email at karielliottfitness@gmail.com! I'd love to chat with you!


Finding Faith and Joy

I don't often write about this topic, but It's been weighing on my mind lately and I feel pulled to write about it.

My faith isn't something I openly share and talk about, partly because it is so personal, and partly because I still feel new on my journey with my faith.

I'll be the first one to admit that my relationship with God has been off and on. My family didn't attend church regularly when I was younger, but I did attend a christian summer camp that was the highlight of my summers. I recently was baptized into the Catholic church and the hubby and I have been attending the church in my community. But, I still haven't felt super connected to my own faith and it's been weighing on my mind and heart a lot lately.

I've always longed for a deeper relationship but have felt 'too new' or like I didn't belong. I've been doing some searching for something, anything, to quench my thirst for knowledge and a sense of belonging. I feel almost ashamed to talk about my faith, to share my longing for more, for a deeper connection and understanding.

I've dabbled in bible journaling {and probably still will} and recently perused the library for some books. I stood overwhelmed by the choices at the library and just started pulling books whose titles appealed to me. Let me tell you if, you haven't been to the library, its a GOLD MINE! I read Found by Micha Boyett. Read isn't a good enough word. Devoured. I devoured that book. It spoke straight to my self doubting, hard on myself, God craving heart. Her book has inspired me to see God in the everyday. To live out the path He is laying for me with joy and peace. To work to actively seek joy. It won't come to me all pretty and neat, tied with a bow; I have to find it. I have to see the amazing world around me and stop being afraid.

In the moments after I closed the book, I sat with hot tears streaming down my face. I don't have to try so hard. There are no prerequisites to believing, you just do it. My faith isn't dependent on others, it's dependent on me. I know there will be moments when I struggle and can't find the joy and beauty in the world around me. But, I know I'm on the path to really discovering my faith and who I am in my faith.

With that I'm off to devour my next book, but I have a favor to ask of you dear readers (are you out there??) Do YOU have any books to recommend to me? A favorite bible study or devotional? A blog to read? Send them my way in the comments!

For now,



It's Shark Week...

Well...now that I've got your attention...it's time to talk about that time of the month. Guys...(if I have any male readers) you may want to find another post to read...maybe this one about how to make sloppy joes?

Okay ladies... Let's get real. That time of the month is rough...hormones run rampant, sweet and salty cravings, cramps, acne....it's NO fun.

Recently, I've had some of the worst cramps that I can recall. Now, I try and stay away from taking medicine when possible and I got started wondering about other remedies to help curb that I-want-to-curl-up-in-a-ball-and-die feeling. So, here are 10 tips for helping curb those oh-so-lovely (can you sense the scarcasm??) cramps...

1. curl up in a ball...wait...JUST KIDDING...but really, grab a heating pad or warm towel and lie down for a little bit. The heat can help relieve some of the pain.

2. Take a warm bath/shower. Again...heat=relief!!

3. Go for a walk or workout. This is one of my favorite ways to help. Not only are you focused on something else, but you are doing good for your body! (Ironic, because this is the LAST thing I want to do!)

4.Try eating as many fruits and veggies as you possibly can. The vitamins can help with cramps and the extra fruits and veggies are super good for you!

5. Are you an essential oil user? Try this: Take a warm bath with lavender and peppermint, or mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil, rub into your abdomen and wait for some relief!

6. Try acupuncture! If the idea of needles freaks you out, then feel free to skip it, but this is one I would try! Acupuncture can be incredibly relaxing (I fall asleep every single time, yes, with needles in my FACE)

7. Not in the mood for a full workout? Try a few simple yoga poses to help relieve those pesky cramps...Pinterest has TONS of ideas!

8. Drink more water!! Water can solve lots of issues in our bodies, and most of us don't drink nearly enough!!

9. Stay away from sugar...Yeah, I know easier said than done. But consuming sugar in the week before Aunt Flo is going to show can make your cramps worse.

10. Make a simple tea. Chammomile can help, and I know there are LOTS of different kinds out there just for this (Check the natural section of your grocery store!)

Well...this girl is off to make a healthy dinner, drink some tea and take a bath!

For now,
