
It's Shark Week...

Well...now that I've got your attention...it's time to talk about that time of the month. Guys...(if I have any male readers) you may want to find another post to read...maybe this one about how to make sloppy joes?

Okay ladies... Let's get real. That time of the month is rough...hormones run rampant, sweet and salty cravings, cramps, acne....it's NO fun.

Recently, I've had some of the worst cramps that I can recall. Now, I try and stay away from taking medicine when possible and I got started wondering about other remedies to help curb that I-want-to-curl-up-in-a-ball-and-die feeling. So, here are 10 tips for helping curb those oh-so-lovely (can you sense the scarcasm??) cramps...

1. curl up in a ball...wait...JUST KIDDING...but really, grab a heating pad or warm towel and lie down for a little bit. The heat can help relieve some of the pain.

2. Take a warm bath/shower. Again...heat=relief!!

3. Go for a walk or workout. This is one of my favorite ways to help. Not only are you focused on something else, but you are doing good for your body! (Ironic, because this is the LAST thing I want to do!)

4.Try eating as many fruits and veggies as you possibly can. The vitamins can help with cramps and the extra fruits and veggies are super good for you!

5. Are you an essential oil user? Try this: Take a warm bath with lavender and peppermint, or mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil, rub into your abdomen and wait for some relief!

6. Try acupuncture! If the idea of needles freaks you out, then feel free to skip it, but this is one I would try! Acupuncture can be incredibly relaxing (I fall asleep every single time, yes, with needles in my FACE)

7. Not in the mood for a full workout? Try a few simple yoga poses to help relieve those pesky cramps...Pinterest has TONS of ideas!

8. Drink more water!! Water can solve lots of issues in our bodies, and most of us don't drink nearly enough!!

9. Stay away from sugar...Yeah, I know easier said than done. But consuming sugar in the week before Aunt Flo is going to show can make your cramps worse.

10. Make a simple tea. Chammomile can help, and I know there are LOTS of different kinds out there just for this (Check the natural section of your grocery store!)

Well...this girl is off to make a healthy dinner, drink some tea and take a bath!

For now,


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