
Back to Basics

This past week I got of track...off track with my eating and my workouts...life got in the way, and a few things needed to come first. The hubby is on a hunting trip, and I am taking this chance to really focus on what I am eating. Usually, I would take this chance to eat things I know I shouldn't and would rely on easy meals (can you say take out?!?) to get by because cooking for one isn't very much fun.

But, this week, I am determined not to do that. I have a treat meal planned for the end of the week when the hubby gets home, but the rest of my dinners are planned out. They are easy, healthy and tasty! I went shopping yesterday and got all of my weekly essentials and I am ready to go. I have stir fry, baked chicken and veggies, salsa chicken and a turkey breast on the menu. I stocked up on salad essentials, and my favorite fruits (apples and grapes)

I will be taking a few days off of workout out since I've been having a few aches and pains lately and want to give my body some time to regroup and reset. Plus, I am toying with starting the bikini prep eating plan next week and I want to give my self a week to prep for that!

Here are my goals for the week:
  • NO TREATS (except planned treat meal)
  • Drink at least 80 oz. of water a day
  • Stick to planned meals for the week. 
  • Take the dog for a short walk everyday 
  • Read my daily devotional
Swim Suit season is creeping up on us and I don't know about you but I want to look amazing in my swimsuit this summer!!!

Wish me luck!


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