
Be You.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself lately. {I'm not trying to sound selfish, I promise} The person I am, the person I want to be in the future.

For a lot of my life I've been the 'good girl'. The one who followed the rules, got good grades and has done her best to live up to the standards I always believed were set for me, even if they were completely unspoken. 

Until recently, I had never really questioned the choices I made and why I made them. But, I've been thinking more about my choices and where they have led me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my life. I am blessed to have the best husband in the world, an amazing family, home, and job. 

But, since I am so not a risk taker I can't help but wonder 'what if?' What haven't I taken advantage of in life? Am I making the right decision with my career? What do I want for myself and my family in the future? I wonder what limitations have I set upon myself that I need to break free from?

There has always been a tiny voice in my head telling me I am not good enough, that I am undeserving, that I'll never be good enough. I think his name is self-doubt. I know that little voice speaks lies to me on a daily basis, but it's been there for so long that I tend to listen a little too closely. I need to learn to tune that voice out, or just completely turn it off.

The problem, how?? It's something that is probably going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. I need to work on building myself up, forgiving myself for my shortcomings, and turning to God, my husband, friends, and my inner bada$$ to become the me I know has been hiding shyly in the corner for a LONG time.

I'm going to stop second guessing myself, going for the things I have been hesitating on and living my life to the fullest!!

Here's to some personal development of monumental proportions! 

{Have I mentioned this is scary!?!}

Wish me luck!


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