
I fell off the wagon...

The hashtag #thestruggleisreal is no joke with this girl right now. I've been a big fat lazy bones this week and I can FEEL it. My eating was okay, but not stellar and I had too many treats and WAY too much dairy. Time to start over. Time to get back on the wagon instead of running behind trying to catch up. Starting Monday this girl is back on 21 day fix extreme and I'm going to try out the bikini competition plan. That means cutting carbs out a few days a week... It's gonna be a challenge but because summer apparently starts in March in Oregon now, this girl has to up her game.

Starting this coming weekend I am hosting a free 7 day "Cut the Crud" challenge. I have a meal plan, shopping list and mini workouts read to go and all you have to do is show up with your A game and be ready to get back on track with me! I am right here with you and ready to ditch the junk and start those healthy habits back up.

We all mess up from time to time. We have to forgive, forget, and move on. We are human after all and sometimes things like Juanitas {CRACK CHIPS} and salsa happen... Not that a splurge isn't a good thing, but too many splurges then become habit.

Interested in trying this out?? What do you have to lose? Come join us and let's get that wagon ROLLING!! Shoot me a comment below with your email, or send me one at karielliottfitness@gmail.com and I'll get you started!!

For now,


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