

It's Friday!!! This has been a long week and I am READY for the weekend.

This will be me this afternoon at 4pm. I swear this week has felt like it has been 2 weeks long. I'm excited for this weekend so I can catch up on life. I wasn't home enough last weekend, or this week and I NEED some catch up time. The list is LONG this week, plus I want to make sure that things are in order before Sunday, because the hubby comes home on Sunday!! YAY!! He's been gone all week hunting in Texas and I've been missing him!

I'm hoping to get some time outside this weekend with the puppers so we can soak up some vitamin D! Spring has sprung in Oregon and I want to take advantage of it before the rain sets in (if it does...)

What does your weekend look like? Spending time outside? Shoveling snow? Relaxing with a cup of coffee and binge watching netflix? I wanna hear about it!!

For now,


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