
Saint Patricks Day Reflections... {UPDATE}

Rewind 1 year...My wedding was sneaking up on me and the workouts I had been planning on doing, just weren’t happening. Being an excited bride, I pulled out my wedding dress and tried it on...Well...let’s just say it was a little more than snug. I knew I needed to do something, and I needed to do it NOW. I had heard about the 21 day fix and decided it was just what I needed, a meal plan and 30 minute workouts. I could do that! Once I got the fix and shakeology and tried it out, I was hooked. I loved that I didn’t have to drive to the gym anymore (or make excuses about not wanting to) and that I had an easy to follow plan for eating healthy and keeping my portions in check. I loved the accountability of my challenge group and that I could relate to the struggles and triumphs of the ladies in our group. It was nice to know I wasn’t doing this alone. I knew I wanted to share this with other people. If I could do it, then anyone could, right? 

So, here I am, almost a year later and I am building a business out of helping other people just like me. My reasons haven’t changed for staying with beachbody, I still love their workouts and obviously shakeology, but I have fallen in love with the business. Daily, I am challenged to step outside my comfort zone, to work on bettering myself, not just with my eating and fitness, but to build myself up to be a better person. What other jobs do that? I mean really, think about it! My goals now have reached far beyond fitting into my wedding dress (which I did by the way), but to continue to work on being the healthiest me I can, physically and emotionally. I also have a goal of building this little team I’ve started into a bigger team. To continue to provide extra income for my family, and to hopefully make the financial stress of growing our family to be a little less every month. 

My hopes and dreams get better and bigger as I continue this journey. A big dream of mine? To be able to completely replace my teaching salary with money from Beachbody. Why? Not because I don’t LOVE teaching, but because when we do have kids, I want to be able to stay home with them. I want to drive them to school everyday and pick them up. To watch their school plays and soccer games, to volunteer in their classrooms and not have to worry about writing sub notes when one of them gets sick. I want to spend more time with my husband. To take FULL advantage of his 24-48 work schedule and really enjoy the life we have started together. Talk about BIG dreams people!! Why not dream big? No one ever said you can’t create the life of your dreams. And that is just what I am going to do. 

I realized after I posted this that this info could be quite the shock for people close to me in my life, as I haven't really voiced any of this to many people. Do I intend to quit my teaching job any time in the near future? NO. Teacher friends you are stuck with me for a while. :) Building a home business doesn't happen overnight, or even in a year or two. It's something that takes time. This is a DREAM. It is a GOAL for me and my family. Can dreams change and morph? Totally. That's the great thing about life. You can change what you want. Who knows what life has in store for me, I can't predict what will happen, but I can work towards what I want my life to be like. 

For now, 

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