
3 Day Refresh: Day 1

I've had this green box sitting on my shelf for a LONG time. I was scared of taking three days to give up my regular eating. But, I've been needing a change to reset some bad habits I've picked up since the holidays.

I have been eating WAY too much junk and have had a ton more sugar in my diet that I know I should. This will give me an opportunity to reset my system and get back on track.

So far, I've only had my breakfast (Shakeology and fruit) and the fiber sweep. This was the part I was most scared of! I've heard it's yucky, nasty, gloppy, and thick. I did a little pinterest hunting and found another coach who mentioned making sure your water is SUPER cold. I mean, borderline almost frozen. So, I popped my shakeo cup in the freezer for a little bit and then shook it up. I also added a little squeeze of lemon. It's lemon flavored already and this made it taste a little more "lemonaide-y" It wasn't as bad as I thought! A little gritty, but not bad. I chugged it so it didn't have the chance to get thick.

For lunch you drink the vanilla fresh shake with a fruit, veggie and a healthy fat. I chose to blend my shake with my fruit (pineapple and peaches) and have carrots and hummus as my veggie and healthy fat. Pretty yummy. The shake tastes good! It's not as good as the regular vanilla shakeology but it's good! So far the thing I miss most...COFFEE. Just sayin'...

For dinner I had stir-fry veggies and the vanilla fresh shake. The stir-fry was so yummy! It was very simple but also very filling. I cut up a bunch of veggies and stir-fried them in garlic, ginger and a little lemongrass. I used a little bit of chicken broth to make a little sauce. The recipe is in the book of recipes that come with the refresh. I subbed broccoli for green beans, since I didn't have any, and I don't particularly care for green beans. I mixed the vanilla fresh shake with water, ice, a little almond extract and cinnamon. It was pretty good!

The evening was the hardest part. I am an evening snacker and often have a need for "a little something" after dinner. It was hard to ignore that need, but it helped that we don't have anything like that in the house right now!

Day one...DONE. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but I am glad I chose to do it on a day that I was at home and could make my meals and use the blender! 

Check back tomorrow for updates on day 2!

For now,

Before picture, please ignore my messy bathroom, the faucet broke this week and we are in the process of fixing it!

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