
3 day Refresh: The END!

I made it!!! I wrote a quick post yesterday for the third day, but that was in the morning. Before I really hit my wall. I was great in the morning but lunch time hit me hard. The hubby and I were walking around downtown Corvallis right at lunch time. Let me just tell you how GOOD it smelled. I never really noticed how many yummy smells there were, until I was hangry {yes, Hangry} and couldn't just stop and get something to eat. Problem numero uno was letting myself get hangry. But, I made it home and had my vanilla fresh {water, strawberries and pineapple} with carrots and hummus. I may have eaten more carrots than I should have but...I needed them.

I'll be honest, I didn't want that shake or the veggies. I wanted chips, or pretty much anything else. But I had come so far and wasn't about to throw it all away. So I drank my shake and ate my carrots and moved on. We went for another hike around the wildlife area and I was not happy slogging through the mud and blackberry bushes.

Dinner was stir fry again and it was yummy! I drank my vanilla fresh after and I currently pretty full.

Now that I've drug you all the way through my trials and tribulations of the refresh....the results are in!!

Starting Weight: 164.6
Ending Weight:162.0
Amount Lost: 2.6lbs

Waist day 1: 28.5
Waist day 4: 28.5
Amount Lost: 0

Below Belly Button
Day 1: 36.5
Day 4: 34.5
Amount Lost: 2.0 inches

I didn't measure other places on my body, but if I do this again, I will. Maybe I am crazy but I swear I can see more arm definition today!!

And last but not least...the pictures!!!

Over all, I am SO glad I did this. If you would have asked me this yesterday afternoon, you may have gotten a different answer. Today, I feel amazing!! I had lots of energy, I resisted ALL the treats and I stuck to my eating plan.

Honestly, I had been in a funk for a while and couldn't get myself out of it. I had been slacking on my workouts, and eating things I knew I shouldn't. I needed the kick in the pants to kick my bad habits to the curb. I needed the reminder that I DO have the will power to say no to the treats. I do have the strength to do my workouts and finish P90X3 strong. I'm excited to see where the rest of this 90 day journey leads me!!

For now,

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