
Day 3...refresh style!

Going to keep this short and sweet. Woke up plugged up again, but it's slowly subsiding as the morning passes. Today is the last day!! Knowing its almost over makes today easier. I love that this is only three days, I mean you can do anything for 3 days! 

But, I've learned a lot about myself these past few days. I have better self control than I give myself credit for. I CAN resist the treats and little extras I allow myself, it's just a matter of mindset and not allowing myself to be weak in my resolve. I also learned that I'm stronger than I think! I was allowing myself to be a weenie during this but pushed through my workout yesterday and felt pretty good! 

On to the rest of my day...I'll write more tomorrow, along with my pictures of progress, and weight difference. Have a great monday lovelies! 


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