
Whatcha Cookin' Good Lookin?

A HUGE part of my success in eating healthy is planning my meals each week. I have this SUPER cute meal planning book from May Books. On one side of the page there is a list of all the dinners for the week, and the other side is a shopping list! I fell in love with these books because I got a Groupon for them a while ago, I have been hooked ever since. I love that I can go back and see what we have made and find new ideas for things we haven't had in a while!

So...What's on the menu for this week?

Usually I would have made my meal plan and shopped on Saturday or Sunday, but this week I happened on Monday, due to an extra day off work.

Monday: Stir Fry {I was finishing the 3 day refresh, so I made mine and the hubby made his own.}
Tuesday: No CLUE! {The hubby will be at work so I am on my own. I usually eat leftovers or make myself breakfast for dinner, I am not sure what I will have tonight!}
Wednesday: Spaghetti Squash with 'quick sauce' and Italian sausage.
Thursday: Elk Steaks with salad and baked sweet potatoes
Friday: Leftovers {Boring, I know but wasting food isn't any good! I'll probably have the left over 'quick sauce' from Wednesday with GF pasta or rice}
Saturday/Sunday: Date night {read: Cheat Meal} and Elk Tacos.

For the Elk, you can sub beef or your favorite protein. Usually I use ground turkey, I just happen to have a freezer full of Elk, so it's what we use. Plus, It's super lean, grass-fed and as about as organic as you can get. The hubby shot it, and brought it home for us and you can't really beat that!

What are you eating this week??

For now,

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