
3 Day Refresh: Day 2

Day 2... I know what to expect and I am ready!

This morning I woke up feeling kinda yucky. Runny nose, scratchy throat all that jazz... Not cool. I don't know if it's because my body is detoxing all the yuckies or because I am getting sick. There is a pretty nasty cold going around at work and I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far, so here's to hoping I am not getting sick!!

Anyways... Breakfast is Shakeology. I'm not drinking vegan shakeology, which is what they recommend, so I am having my regular chocolate. I made it today with stawberries, water and ice. It was super yummy and filling as always. 

The fiber sweep was not bad. I used the super cold water trick with a squeeze of lemon. My water wasn't as cold as yesterday and it got a little thick at the end but I chugged it and it was fine. 

For lunch today I made my vanilla fresh with stawberries and pineapple. It was tasty! It's a little grainy, but tastes good. I guess I'm spoiled by the smoothness of my regular shakeology. 😊 I also had a spinach salad with cucumbers, a few carrots and some hummus (veggie and healthy fat). I dressed my salad with olive oil and basalmic and a little salt and pepper. 

The hubby and I went for a hike/walk at a local wildlife area/old army base and took Dieter to let him do some sniffing and pointing. We even got a rainbow out of it! 

When we got home I did my workout (P90x3: The challenge) I lowered my numbers of pull ups and push ups because I'm still kinda feeling low energy, not sick (yay) but just a little tired. Other than that I feel great! 

Dinner will be roasted veggies and vanilla fresh. Only one more day and I can't wait to show you all my results!! 

For now, Kari 

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