
I feel like I owe you an apology...

Let's go back a few months...back to April and May of 2014... I was FREAKING out because my wedding was in a few months and I had to face the very real fact that my wedding dress may not be able to zip all the way... In comes the 21 day fix {My savior} and my introduction to the world of beachbody. It wasn't that I hadn't ever seen the workouts, most of us have seen the infomercial for P90X or Insanity at some point, or even knew someone who had completed one of those workouts. The part that people, well at least I didn't know, was that there are all of these people who back these workouts as beachbody coaches. When you buy from the infomercial you are assigned a coach, whose sole job is to encourage and help you as you do these workouts. After my first round of the 21 day fix, I decided I wanted to be a beachbody coach (partly for the discount) and mostly because the idea of helping people appealed to me. I mean, come on, I'm a teacher. I love to help! As a coach I am here to help and share the workouts I firmly believe in.

Here's where the apology comes in. I was THAT girl. The one who vomits spammy, salesy posts all over your FB. The one who didn't know what she was doing and now realizes just how wrong her approach was, especially when talking to friends. Since then, I have realized just how WRONG I was in being so pushy and salesy.

So, I am sorry. I am sorry I was pushy, salesy and just plain inexperienced. I am sorry I vomited beachbody on your facebook, and probably made you super annoyed at me. If you are reading this, and were subject to this, please take what I did/said and push it out of your brain and let me start over. Please? Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

But, here is my caveat. I am not going to stop posting about my workouts, or shakeology or the fact that I love this company. I am simply going to change my approach. I am not sorry that I found this company or that it's completely changed my life. I am not sorry that I want to share this with you. So, kick back relax, and facebook stalk me...I dare you. I promise I won't be "that girl". :)

For now,

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