
21 day fix...EXTREME

It's not secret that I LOVE the 21 day fix. It's the program I started with last spring and it's one I can always go back to if I need a little reminder of what my glutes feel like or if I need to remember what my portions should look like.

While doing the refresh, I decided to go back to my 21 day fix containers for eating. I need the accountability and the portion control. I'm excited to get back on track. I tend to go through phases when I just get lazy and don't work to make sure my nutrition I in check. A HUGE part of losing weight and living a healthy life is what you eat. I'm not perfect, I plan a weekly splurge meal (it's usually date night) and eat whatever I want. I know I need to do this because otherwise I end up splurging more often. I strive for 80% clean and 20% not so clean.

 If i wasn't already doing P90X3, I would be doing a round of the 21 day fix right now. Why? Because the 21 day fix extreme comes out next month. It's something I am CRAZY excited about trying, especially because spring and summer are slowly sneaking up on us. One of my goals this year is to be as healthy as I can, this includes the being in the best physical shape of my life. I know that P90X3 will be amazing for helping me push towards that goal, and even though I could easily drop it and do the new 21 day fix extreme, I've been a HUGE program hopper lately, and I am determined to finish this one. My reward? Not food, not clothes, but a new workout program! 

If I can't do this program myself, I want to live vicariously through my followers. It's sure to be a huge hit and get you where you want to be! It doesn't matter if you've done the fix already, or are just starting out. This is a GAME CHANGER!!

Still wondering what you are in for? Check out the link below! 

I'm so excited!!! 

For now, 

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