
It's Shark Week...

Well...now that I've got your attention...it's time to talk about that time of the month. Guys...(if I have any male readers) you may want to find another post to read...maybe this one about how to make sloppy joes?

Okay ladies... Let's get real. That time of the month is rough...hormones run rampant, sweet and salty cravings, cramps, acne....it's NO fun.

Recently, I've had some of the worst cramps that I can recall. Now, I try and stay away from taking medicine when possible and I got started wondering about other remedies to help curb that I-want-to-curl-up-in-a-ball-and-die feeling. So, here are 10 tips for helping curb those oh-so-lovely (can you sense the scarcasm??) cramps...

1. curl up in a ball...wait...JUST KIDDING...but really, grab a heating pad or warm towel and lie down for a little bit. The heat can help relieve some of the pain.

2. Take a warm bath/shower. Again...heat=relief!!

3. Go for a walk or workout. This is one of my favorite ways to help. Not only are you focused on something else, but you are doing good for your body! (Ironic, because this is the LAST thing I want to do!)

4.Try eating as many fruits and veggies as you possibly can. The vitamins can help with cramps and the extra fruits and veggies are super good for you!

5. Are you an essential oil user? Try this: Take a warm bath with lavender and peppermint, or mix peppermint oil with a carrier oil, rub into your abdomen and wait for some relief!

6. Try acupuncture! If the idea of needles freaks you out, then feel free to skip it, but this is one I would try! Acupuncture can be incredibly relaxing (I fall asleep every single time, yes, with needles in my FACE)

7. Not in the mood for a full workout? Try a few simple yoga poses to help relieve those pesky cramps...Pinterest has TONS of ideas!

8. Drink more water!! Water can solve lots of issues in our bodies, and most of us don't drink nearly enough!!

9. Stay away from sugar...Yeah, I know easier said than done. But consuming sugar in the week before Aunt Flo is going to show can make your cramps worse.

10. Make a simple tea. Chammomile can help, and I know there are LOTS of different kinds out there just for this (Check the natural section of your grocery store!)

Well...this girl is off to make a healthy dinner, drink some tea and take a bath!

For now,



Saint Patricks Day Reflections... {UPDATE}

Rewind 1 year...My wedding was sneaking up on me and the workouts I had been planning on doing, just weren’t happening. Being an excited bride, I pulled out my wedding dress and tried it on...Well...let’s just say it was a little more than snug. I knew I needed to do something, and I needed to do it NOW. I had heard about the 21 day fix and decided it was just what I needed, a meal plan and 30 minute workouts. I could do that! Once I got the fix and shakeology and tried it out, I was hooked. I loved that I didn’t have to drive to the gym anymore (or make excuses about not wanting to) and that I had an easy to follow plan for eating healthy and keeping my portions in check. I loved the accountability of my challenge group and that I could relate to the struggles and triumphs of the ladies in our group. It was nice to know I wasn’t doing this alone. I knew I wanted to share this with other people. If I could do it, then anyone could, right? 

So, here I am, almost a year later and I am building a business out of helping other people just like me. My reasons haven’t changed for staying with beachbody, I still love their workouts and obviously shakeology, but I have fallen in love with the business. Daily, I am challenged to step outside my comfort zone, to work on bettering myself, not just with my eating and fitness, but to build myself up to be a better person. What other jobs do that? I mean really, think about it! My goals now have reached far beyond fitting into my wedding dress (which I did by the way), but to continue to work on being the healthiest me I can, physically and emotionally. I also have a goal of building this little team I’ve started into a bigger team. To continue to provide extra income for my family, and to hopefully make the financial stress of growing our family to be a little less every month. 

My hopes and dreams get better and bigger as I continue this journey. A big dream of mine? To be able to completely replace my teaching salary with money from Beachbody. Why? Not because I don’t LOVE teaching, but because when we do have kids, I want to be able to stay home with them. I want to drive them to school everyday and pick them up. To watch their school plays and soccer games, to volunteer in their classrooms and not have to worry about writing sub notes when one of them gets sick. I want to spend more time with my husband. To take FULL advantage of his 24-48 work schedule and really enjoy the life we have started together. Talk about BIG dreams people!! Why not dream big? No one ever said you can’t create the life of your dreams. And that is just what I am going to do. 

I realized after I posted this that this info could be quite the shock for people close to me in my life, as I haven't really voiced any of this to many people. Do I intend to quit my teaching job any time in the near future? NO. Teacher friends you are stuck with me for a while. :) Building a home business doesn't happen overnight, or even in a year or two. It's something that takes time. This is a DREAM. It is a GOAL for me and my family. Can dreams change and morph? Totally. That's the great thing about life. You can change what you want. Who knows what life has in store for me, I can't predict what will happen, but I can work towards what I want my life to be like. 

For now, 


I fell off the wagon...

The hashtag #thestruggleisreal is no joke with this girl right now. I've been a big fat lazy bones this week and I can FEEL it. My eating was okay, but not stellar and I had too many treats and WAY too much dairy. Time to start over. Time to get back on the wagon instead of running behind trying to catch up. Starting Monday this girl is back on 21 day fix extreme and I'm going to try out the bikini competition plan. That means cutting carbs out a few days a week... It's gonna be a challenge but because summer apparently starts in March in Oregon now, this girl has to up her game.

Starting this coming weekend I am hosting a free 7 day "Cut the Crud" challenge. I have a meal plan, shopping list and mini workouts read to go and all you have to do is show up with your A game and be ready to get back on track with me! I am right here with you and ready to ditch the junk and start those healthy habits back up.

We all mess up from time to time. We have to forgive, forget, and move on. We are human after all and sometimes things like Juanitas {CRACK CHIPS} and salsa happen... Not that a splurge isn't a good thing, but too many splurges then become habit.

Interested in trying this out?? What do you have to lose? Come join us and let's get that wagon ROLLING!! Shoot me a comment below with your email, or send me one at karielliottfitness@gmail.com and I'll get you started!!

For now,




Kombucha seems to be everywhere now. It's in the grocery store, all over Facebook and Instagram and currently sitting pretty in a glass next to me as I write.

I first heard of it last year when my principal used to tote a bottle of homemade kombucha around with her on a daily basis. When she explained what it was, I'll be honest, my first thought was "How crunchy granola is that?!?"

Well...fast forward a few months and here I am brewing my own. I tried it for the first time this summer and was hooked from the start. {The hubby took a little longer} It's slightly sweet, tangy and bubbly. It can be made in SO many different flavors and can be completely customized to what you love. I love brewing at home because I can make a huge batch of it for just a few dollars, instead of buying a bottle for $3-4 at a time {BONUS!!} We got a scoby from a co-worker of J and got started a few months ago. I am NOT claiming to be an expert by any means, just an at home enthusiast who loves kombucha. So, here is what we do in the Elliott House...

After you have a scoby {you can get one from a friend, order one online or even grow your own}, some starter kombucha, we used unflavored 'booch' from J's co-worker, sugar, black tea and a brewing vessel. You are ready to brew!

I followed the directions of my sweet friend Jen to get started.

Here are the basic directions:

Makes 1 gallon
3 1/2 quarts water
1 cup white sugar
4 bags black tea (or 1 tablespoons loose tea) (I use all black tea)
4 bags green tea (or 1 tablespoon loose tea)
2 cups pre-made unflavored kombucha (from your last homemade batch or store-bought)
1 scoby per fermentation jar

Special equipment: Six 16-oz glass bottles with plastic lids, swing-top bottles, or clean soda bottles

Bring the water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the sugar to dissolve. Drop in the tea and allow it to steep until the water has cooled. Depending on the size of your pot, this will take a few hours. (Alternatively, you can speed this up by boiling only half the water, letting the tea steep, and then cooling it down with the remaining water.)

Once the tea is cool, remove the tea bags (or strain out the loose tea). Stir in the pre-made kombucha. (This makes the tea acidic, which prevents unfriendly bacteria from taking up residence in the first few days of fermentation.)

Ready to Flavor

Pour the mixture into a 1-gallon glass jar and gently slide the scoby on top with clean hands. Cover the mouth of the jar with a few layers of cheesecloth or paper towels secured with a rubber band. (You can divide this between several jars instead of one big one, but each jar will need its own scoby.)

Let it ferment in a cool dark place for about 7 days and start checking the unflavored kombucha until it finds the right balance between sweet and tangy.  After you find the right balance it's time to add flavor! This is where your creativity gets to go wild! We have been experimenting with flavors, we love anything strawberry, but also love lemon ginger and apple.

Strawberry limeade and lemonade
Today, I decided on strawberry limeade and strawberry lemonade. I took my batch of booch and divided it into two half gallon ball jars (I got mine at bi-mart, but they usually have them at the grocery store) and added strawberries and either sliced lime or lemon. I let this sit for about three days with a plastic lid and then strain and re-bottle it into swing-top bottles and let it sit for a day, the stash it in the fridge. Through lots of trial and error the hubby and I found this is the best way to get a nice fizzy batch of kombucha.

I keep a kombucha journal so I can keep track of when to check or re-bottle it, also so I can track what flavors we have tried and what we liked and didn't like.

The hubby and I usually sip some with dinner, or even mid afternoon for a little pick-me up. It's my go-to when I have a stomach ache, or am feeling a little off. I also love the fizziness of it, because it makes me think I'm having a soda, but it's way healthier! Kombucha is known for it's health benefits and a quick Google search can help you learn a little more about the benefits of brewing your own at home, along with lots of different methods and flavor options.

And because I couldn't resist, here is my ever faithful side-kick and his current favorite toy.

Happy Kombucha Brewing Friends!

Kari {& Dieter}



It's Friday!!! This has been a long week and I am READY for the weekend.

This will be me this afternoon at 4pm. I swear this week has felt like it has been 2 weeks long. I'm excited for this weekend so I can catch up on life. I wasn't home enough last weekend, or this week and I NEED some catch up time. The list is LONG this week, plus I want to make sure that things are in order before Sunday, because the hubby comes home on Sunday!! YAY!! He's been gone all week hunting in Texas and I've been missing him!

I'm hoping to get some time outside this weekend with the puppers so we can soak up some vitamin D! Spring has sprung in Oregon and I want to take advantage of it before the rain sets in (if it does...)

What does your weekend look like? Spending time outside? Shoveling snow? Relaxing with a cup of coffee and binge watching netflix? I wanna hear about it!!

For now,



Be You.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about myself lately. {I'm not trying to sound selfish, I promise} The person I am, the person I want to be in the future.

For a lot of my life I've been the 'good girl'. The one who followed the rules, got good grades and has done her best to live up to the standards I always believed were set for me, even if they were completely unspoken. 

Until recently, I had never really questioned the choices I made and why I made them. But, I've been thinking more about my choices and where they have led me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my life. I am blessed to have the best husband in the world, an amazing family, home, and job. 

But, since I am so not a risk taker I can't help but wonder 'what if?' What haven't I taken advantage of in life? Am I making the right decision with my career? What do I want for myself and my family in the future? I wonder what limitations have I set upon myself that I need to break free from?

There has always been a tiny voice in my head telling me I am not good enough, that I am undeserving, that I'll never be good enough. I think his name is self-doubt. I know that little voice speaks lies to me on a daily basis, but it's been there for so long that I tend to listen a little too closely. I need to learn to tune that voice out, or just completely turn it off.

The problem, how?? It's something that is probably going to be one of the hardest things I've ever done. I need to work on building myself up, forgiving myself for my shortcomings, and turning to God, my husband, friends, and my inner bada$$ to become the me I know has been hiding shyly in the corner for a LONG time.

I'm going to stop second guessing myself, going for the things I have been hesitating on and living my life to the fullest!!

Here's to some personal development of monumental proportions! 

{Have I mentioned this is scary!?!}

Wish me luck!



Back to Basics

This past week I got of track...off track with my eating and my workouts...life got in the way, and a few things needed to come first. The hubby is on a hunting trip, and I am taking this chance to really focus on what I am eating. Usually, I would take this chance to eat things I know I shouldn't and would rely on easy meals (can you say take out?!?) to get by because cooking for one isn't very much fun.

But, this week, I am determined not to do that. I have a treat meal planned for the end of the week when the hubby gets home, but the rest of my dinners are planned out. They are easy, healthy and tasty! I went shopping yesterday and got all of my weekly essentials and I am ready to go. I have stir fry, baked chicken and veggies, salsa chicken and a turkey breast on the menu. I stocked up on salad essentials, and my favorite fruits (apples and grapes)

I will be taking a few days off of workout out since I've been having a few aches and pains lately and want to give my body some time to regroup and reset. Plus, I am toying with starting the bikini prep eating plan next week and I want to give my self a week to prep for that!

Here are my goals for the week:
  • NO TREATS (except planned treat meal)
  • Drink at least 80 oz. of water a day
  • Stick to planned meals for the week. 
  • Take the dog for a short walk everyday 
  • Read my daily devotional
Swim Suit season is creeping up on us and I don't know about you but I want to look amazing in my swimsuit this summer!!!

Wish me luck!
